Happy 2012, friends!
I wish there would be no more disasters, no more fighting, no more suffering for people all around the world.
I wish that everyone learns to love animals and treat them with love. No more animal abuse! (And please adopt instead of buying.)
I wish the ice bergs would stop melting.
I wish for more business! More orders!
Most importantly, I wish for good health for myself and everyone around me. Health before wealth. Don't overwork! ;)
First day of 2012, I made this for my sister's bestie:
Green is her lucky colour for 2012, and she needs a pencil case, so she requested for a one specially made for her. More than happy to do so!
I like it very much myself :)
It measures 20 x 12.5cm, $15.
You like? Drop me an email [madewithlove.n@gmail.com] today!
love, n