thank you for visiting my blog.
i've always loved making things, especially sewing little accessories for myself and my family. it makes me happy whenever i see them using a pouch or a bag that i made.
when i was a kid, my Mum would ask for my help to thread a needle so she could mend a piece of clothing for one of us, and i would often watch how she did it. i guess i picked up the basics from there. Mum noticed my interest and bought me a little sewing machine for me some time ago. i suspect that there was more to it than just my interest, because ever since then, whenever someone needed some alterations or patching up of their clothing, i'm the first and only person they go to!
anyhow, i get my inspirations from everywhere i could, but mostly from the Internet. there are so many talented crafters out there with really beautiful works! even when i don't feel up to sewing, i still look up on their latest creations just for the fun of it.
so there you go, that's a little bit about me! time to do some sewing!
love, n